the family that is ruining me / my siblings' life

(originally uploaed to spacehey)

for the past year and a bit ive been sort of plagued by this thing that happened. i dont like the idea of posting about it cuz it didnt directly happen to me but i feel so exausted bottling it all up.

in 2022 my sister who was 11 years old at the time was groomed and sexually assaulted by her best friend's dad. it has effected her a lot since then and is exacerbated by the family's behavor toward us.

this monster has always kind of given me bad vibes but i never knew it would culminate in this horrible act. he used to carpool us to school. he was always really touchy (especially liked tickling), cheated on his 1st wife and to top it off was a staunch trump supporter. besides the point

as soon as she spoke up about it my parents went to the police/sheriff. needless to say the case was mishandled severely. i believe he was alerted to the restraining order being filed weeks before any search or action at all could take place, so whatever evidence could implicate him was squandered. some interviews were done, but that never amounted to anything.

in court the defense the creep and his wife used was that it was their dog that did it. obviously thats fucking nonsensical but the judge ruled in their favor so my sister does not get to have a restraining order against her abuser.

to make things even more cool the family that did that is BIG. they settled here in the 1800s and get all the cred and wealth that comes with it. our family has virtually no social circle, so its easy to imagine which side gets believed. my sister's teacher still lets her daughter go to his house. genuinley people even give me guff for defending my sister's allegation.

and theres the mom. i have my own personal issues with her. time she kissed me on the lips??? 2. she cussed out my mom in front of our house for abusing my sister into accusing her husband 3. she likes to drive really slowly and close to us when we walk to school 4. once when she did this my sister flipped her the bird and the hag shouted at us and told the school to punish my sister for this aggression 5. she is a frequent substitute teacher at my school. that would be whatever but what trips me up is that my mom never gets asked to sub anymore at the same school. (bias?)

they have 2 kids that go to my school. the younger one who used to be my sisters friend has since threatened to beat my sister up. the older one has always been kind of a cunt. as far as extended family there are 2 or 3 other direct ties and countless more folks who do not believe us and go to that house and have sleepovers. and my sister has faced more punishment for coming forward than the 70 year old pedophile.

i just last week ran into the creep in the school parking lot. he comes to the school all the time to watch sports and whatnot. i dont know what to do about this! we've considered literally moving to get away from this family but that isnt viable in our situation. my father was (maybe still is) good friends with the creep and his family so there really isnt anything me or my siblings can do.

addendum; other freak stuff: the 1st wife lives across the street from the 2nd wife and the 2nd wife's kids call her grandma : they are both cops (in the small itsy bitsy town way) : they are also landlords. it couldnt get worse i think