rainbow brite surprise doll review

cost: about 12$
source: walmart
the package is very cute. the surprise boxes on the back were very difficult to open, however. it comes with really cute stickers which i will not be using anytime soon
articulation: definitley not 29 points like the package says. neck, shoulders (2), elbows (2), wrists (2), waist, hips (2), knees (2), ankles (2). thats 14 yall. the legs are much better at articulating than the arms. the knees are even double jointed.
mould: really nice despite the arms limited range. decently realistic proportions. face is pretty cute. hands are extremely cute
paint: quite detailed. mine's eyes were printed a little bit high up though lol. little purple swimsuit under clothing.
hair: very soft. loosely rooted but thick enough to justify. longer than her whole body
also: the feet came off! i could just pop them back on. idk if theyre supposed to do that.
this doll comes with a dress, pair of shoes, and hair bow. in the bonus compartments there is a comb,
twink bag, lunch box, and a surprise item.
dress: made of very cheap plasticky printed fabric. does not fit the doll very well at all - the sleeves are way too long and unhemmed, and the bottom, while hemmed, looks very awkward, as do the puff sleeves. it is easy to put on with the velcro along the back. the ribbon suspender-belt is really cute, particularly with the little embroidered logo in the center.
bow: just a ribbon with a felt star sewn on. its attached to a clear rubber band that i dont really trust.
shoes: made of painted rubber. a little bit wonky and it bothers me that the stars were not painted.
comb: just a red plastic comb with a star on the end. its inoffensive.
twink bag: really really nice.it does not open but the mold & painting is actually really well done.
lunch box: my favorite item besides the doll herself. little yellow luchbox with a sticker on the front. it opens on a hinge. she can even hold it!!! this is very much nostalgia bait.
surprise items: i got the legwarmers/sandals double feature but other options include a skirt or a headband.
legwarmers: quite bulky but super cute im in love. decently well made.
sandals: im ideologically opposed to sandals without socks but these are admittedly quite cute. made of a very chewable kind of plastic.they even have a little star painted on the strap.
yeah i really love her. for what all she comes with i'd say shes worth the price. the articulation makes her much like a fidget toy. i'm probably going to make her a different outfit though. just small enough to fit in the palm of the hand or a pocket. i hate buying new plastic shit but if youre in the market this is a great little doll. :)